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COSAC 2024 – Schedule

Sunday 29th September

  • Sunday 29th

    Delegate Registration

  • Sunday 29th

    The SABSA Institute Forum

    The SABSA Institute (TSI) and the TSI Liaison Group (LG) update. The TSI Forum includes a question-and-answer session and an opportunity to meet and interact with The SABSA Institute Board of Trustees (Directors) and LG members.


    Gareth Watters
    Glen Bruce
    Kate Mullin
    Kirk Nicholls

  • Sunday 29th

    Delegate Registration & Drinks Reception - sponsored by Killashee Hotel

  • Sunday 29th
    20:00 onwards

    COSAC 2024 Welcome Dinner

Monday 30th September

  • Monday 30th

    COSAC Masterclasses are full-day, 09:30 - 17:30

  • Monday 30th

    Registration & Coffee

  • Monday 30th

    The 23rd COSAC International Roundtable Security Forum

    Masterclass M1

    The 2024 edition of the Forum will not be generated by artificial intelligence. Instead, the actual intelligence and experiences of the attending delegates will be focused to analyze and solve (not just admire) current and emerging information security issues, many more political or organizational than technical.


    John O'Leary

    The 8th COSAC Security Architecture Design-Off

    Masterclass M2

    Returning for a 8th year, this design-off will present a new and engaging set of challenges. In the spirit of hack-a-thons, this competition was born out of a desire to provide a venue for security architects to apply their skills in a safe environment.


    Jason Kobes
    William Schultz

    Futures Thinking and Cyber: Modelling Emerging Risks

    Masterclass M3

    For over a decade we have been undergoing digital transformation with rapidly evolving technology changing the way we live and work. That brings great opportunities for organisations but also bring new threats. This in turn brings challenges for budgeting and planning to manage the risk over multiple years. How do we predict investment to allow us to fully address the security challenges we may face to ensure that we are preparing for the future? Often the business or sales-people sit on 'happy island' when considering emerging technology landscapes whilst many security people sit in 'despondency dell'. This workshop will help us to develop the futures literacy needed to be able to plan for different emerging futures.


    Siân John MBE
    Lesley Kipling
    Genevieve Liveley

    Resilience: From Hardware to Humans and Everything in Between V2

    Masterclass M4

    Building on last year’s success the team decided to upgrade the “ From Hardware to Humans and Everything in Between” course. Resilience is widely considered the antidote to many of the problems that plague cybersecurity. The problem is that resilience definitions vary, and solutions typically fail to address all aspects of resilience, thereby resulting in a significant variety in security profiles of “resilient solutions”.


    Lynette Hornung
    Dr. Connie Justice
    Char Sample

  • Monday 30th

    Morning Coffee

  • Monday 30th


  • Monday 30th

    Afternoon Tea

  • Monday 30th

    Drinks Reception

  • Monday 30th

    Dinner (sponsored by GDB Cyber Security Consulting) & Traditional Irish Music

Tuesday 1st October

  • Tuesday 1st

    Registration & Coffee

  • Tuesday 1st

    Where Do We Test From Here? Building An Evergreen Protected Security Ecosystem

    Session 1A

    Technical assurance and vulnerability management have been parallel but complementary functions in organisations for a number of years. Technical assurance has included: testing the security of a system including penetration testing, hardware assurance, and cryptographic testing; compliance driven testing including web application testing and PCI/DSS; and now regulatory testing required by schemes such as CBEST, TIBER, and DORA including full threat led red team testing.


    Siân John MBE

    Today’s CISO: Behind Closed Doors or Behind Bars

    Session 1B

    CISOs have been in the hot seat lately, as evidenced by charges levied by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in October 2023 against Solarwinds and CISO Tim Brown for “fraud and internal control failures relating to allegedly known cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities”, in that he overstated the cybersecurity practices and understated or failed to disclose known risks.


    Todd Fitzgerald

    Help! Business Requirements During the Energy Transition

    Session 1S

    Just a normal day for the security architects at a DSO (Distribution System Operator) being in the midst of the Energy Transition Race.

    Time for an Enterprise Security Architecture upgrade.

    The journey starts on the contextual layer of the Business, right?


    Raymond van Dijk
    Rob Epskamp

  • Tuesday 1st

    Turtles All The Way Down

    Session 2A

    System hardening plays a pivotal role in bolstering cybersecurity defenses, and the adoption of immutable operating systems coupled with containerization technologies offers a promising approach for organizations requiring flexible solutions, which can scale with the enterprise. This presentation delves into the benefits and challenges associated with utilizing an immutable operating system with multiple independent containers, while also examining the distinctions between various containerization technologies including separation kernel technologies, virtual machines, Docker containers, and Kubernetes containers.


    Rob Hale

    A Clockwork CISO

    Session 2B

    In January of 2015 a qualified academic was appointed as the Finance Minister of Greece with a mandate to renegotiate a disastrous programme that had sent the deficit of Greece further into the red. Upon his second meeting with the “troika” (decision group) he was told by one of the powerbrokers of the Eurozone “Elections cannot be allowed to change an economic programme of a member state!”.


    Steven Kintakas

    Building Cloud Architectures Top-Down: Aligning with Business Motivations

    Session 2S

    While major cloud providers offer comprehensive reference architectures for implementing functional technical structures such as landing zones, these models often lack direct alignment with core business motivations. This misalignment frequently results in architectures developed from the bottom up, focusing on technical specifications rather than strategic business outcomes.


    Rob Campbell

  • Tuesday 1st

    Morning Coffee

  • Tuesday 1st

    Laying The Groundwork for Quantum Resilience

    Session 3A

    Quantum Computing is going to be the next disruptor that has a potential of turning security upside-down. I like to draw a parallel with AI and ML, that were discussed and researched for many years, until a sudden breakthrough that has rapidly accelerated the adoption and resulted in disruption we see today.


    Anton Tkachov

    The New KPI On the Block: Outcome-Driven Metrics

    Session 3B

    If you’ve been keeping up, the latest buzz in the IT and cybersecurity world is the adoption of Outcome-Driven Metrics (ODMs). These metrics aim to measure the effectiveness of specific investments in a way that bridges the communication gap with the boardroom. Their purpose is to enable stakeholders to directly link cybersecurity investments to the levels of protection delivered. Importantly, ODMs are designed to be easily explainable to non-IT executives, using clear and simple language.


    Karel Koster

    The Information Security Program Framework – What You Didn’t Know You Needed

    Seesion 3S

    Now that your SASBA security architecture is effectively managing and governing the risks to your organization and enhancing the business value, what does it actually look like? Is it something that anyone can easily recognize and understand their responsibilities in relation to what has been implemented or is it operating “under the covers” and is assumed to be mostly technology? Your SABSA security architecture is now operating as your Information Security Program and you need something to “glue” all the various artifacts, processes and responsibilities together into a framework that you can see and easily manage.


    Glen Bruce

  • Tuesday 1st

    The Path from Offsite Backups to Real Resilience (via COSAC)

    Session 4A

    “Do you have offsite backups?”

    I’d answered this due diligence question many times before, always with the same answer – encrypted backups, on tape, stored offsite, in a dedicated third-party storage facility. But when I saw it last year, I realised this answer and even the question were out of date. These days almost everything we do is offsite with a major cloud provider.


    Gordon Jenkins

    Annual Reports: Security by Obscurity on Steroids

    Seesion 4B

    According to the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, Supervisory Boards should take care to consider the impact of new technologies and cybersecurity on their long-term value creation strategy, and include cybersecurity, supply chain dependencies and data protection in their risk management.


    Esther Schagen-van Luit

    The Impact of Cyber Trends on Security Architecture into 2025

    Session 4S

    In the fast-paced world CxOs are generally seeing their cyber security position improving in their organisations, but continue to face considerable challenges. A number do not see that increasing the security technology foot-print in their business as the answer, and staff attrition, and rapid adoption of the cloud continue to cause great concern and uncertainty.


    Jon Cassam
    Sophia Mexi-Jones

  • Tuesday 1st


  • Tuesday 1st

    From Compliance Management Towards Risk Management

    Session 5A

    A case study of the Dutch Government

    The legislation and regulations for the use of Cloud applications for the Dutch Government have changed significantly in recent years. While in the past it was not done to store or process data in the cloud, the current policy is based on Cloud for certain confidential data, as long it is done in a secure manner. One of the conditions set is that a targeted risk assessment takes place and the correct measures are taken to protect the data.


    Edwin Vos

    Cyber Misfits and the SABSA Founders Bursary

    Session 5B

    Recipients of the Bursary award share their personal experiences embarking into their cyber journey and how the Bursary helped shape their career transition and welcome them into a global community.

    Sharing the love. In 2020, Ghariba Bourhidane and Clara Grillet started career transitioning in cybersecurity by following courses. In 2022, their cyber career go deeper and was boosted by receiving the first ever SABSA Founders Bursary award.

    Sharing the love. In 2020, Ghariba Bourhidane and Clara Grillet started career transitioning in cybersecurity by following courses.


    Ghariba Bourhidane
    Clara Grillet

    Reimagining A Robust Supply Chain Security Architecture Leveraging SABSA

    Session 5S

    Global supply chains are undergoing massive strains in 2024 due to geopolitical conflicts, rapid technological evolution and regulatory changes that pose challenges to organizations irrespective of the industries they operate in. The extended supply chain for hardware suppliers and service providers spans several countries and continents while the sprawl of software components and open-source projects further increase the sophisticated nature of supply chain attacks.


    Pradeep Sekar

  • Tuesday 1st

    Empowering Colleagues, Securing Success

    Session 6A

    Admiral Group Plc is a UK-based insurance group that provides a range of insurance products and financial services to over 9 million customers worldwide. In 2018, Admiral embarked on its cloud journey to achieve its strategic vision of becoming a data-driven organisation and leveraging its customer base and data for a competitive advantage. In this talk, I will share how we built, secured, and scaled our capabilities, and discuss the challenges we faced,


    James Chinn

    How to Nurture Effective Security Teams While Tapping into Diverse Talent Pipelines

    Session 6B

    This presentation aims to demonstrate the benefits of onboarding diverse profiles to security teams. It is part of a continuous effort to formulate a framework which helps security teams perform better while optimising diverse skill sets already present in the organisation. This presentation will provide proof-of-concept on how an internal talent pipeline has given professional growth opportunities to staff with the relevant transferable skills while also making the security teams more effective.


    Rosanna Kurrer

    Modelling Uncertainty and Building Cyber Resilience

    Session 6S

    The ever increasing reliance on technology has drastically shifted how organisations function. The interconnectedness and convergence of the digital solutions, together with the business opportunities they bring, increase the number of critical failure points. The latter explains why regulators, across the globe, have been particularly active in this topic and consequently resilience has become the latest global hot topic in many sectors.


    Dimitrios Delivasilis

  • Tuesday 1st

    Afternoon Tea

  • Tuesday 1st

    True Threat Intelligence – What You REALLY Want To know

    Session 7A

    In the complex field of cybersecurity, the term "threat intelligence" often becomes a catch-all, encompassing everything from basic incident reports to in-depth vulnerability analyses. My presentation, "True Threat Intelligence - What You REALLY Want to Know," aims to clarify this ambiguity by distinguishing the various layers of what is generally classified under threat intelligence. More critically, it zeroes in on the essence of what constitutes "true threat intelligence"—a nuanced, actionable insight that goes far beyond the surface-level accumulation of data.


    Mark Rasch

    The Cybersecurity Alchemist

    Session 7B

    Alchemy: the art of purifying the impure by imitating and accelerating the operations of nature in order to perfect matter. How do alchemists transform base metals into gold? The metaphorical aim of the alchemist is the purification of the soul, the progressive metamorphoses of the spirit. The alchemist's journey in Paulo Coelho's book is transmutation: elevating the imperfect to perfection. The main character of the book travels and lives according to the different cultures and traditions of each visited country. He eventually returns to his starting point but completely changed, grows up, conscious and strong. A real human firewall!


    Ghariba Bourhidane

    You Can Fix Stupid: Automating to Reduce Risk

    Session 7S

    In a world where cyber threats are evolving at an alarming rate, organizations are expected to do more with less, employees are given ever increasing workloads, and human error remains a significant contributor to data errors and security breaches, automation emerges as a crucial solution.


    Ashling Lupiani

  • Tuesday 1st

    Revolutionising Threat Modelling with Emerging Technologies

    session 8A

    In the traditional landscape, threat modelling has been a predominantly manual and meticulous process, demanding substantial expertise and time. However, the advent of cutting-edge technologies is set to transform this scenario radically.


    Jon Cassam
    Sophia Mexi-Jones

    It Takes A Village: Raising Cybersecurity Capability Across the Enterprise

    Session 8B

    The shortage of cyber security skills is well known and this is only getting worse. So what can we do about it?


    Paul Dorey

    Achieving life Goals Without Joining A Cult or Losing Friends

    Session 8S

    How security architecture can help you keep your new year’s resolutions and other lifestyle objectives.


    Clara Grillet

  • Tuesday 1st


  • Tuesday 1st

    The Smart Practitioner’s Guide To getting Stuff Done

    Plenary 9P


    This paper proposes an unconventional yet highly effective approach to helping information security teams deliver better security outcomes by blending the organisational, technical, and process reality that surrounds them with human-centric methodologies, including design thinking and negotiation techniques drawn from the practice of conflict resolution.


    Anne Leslie

  • Tuesday 1st

    Drinks Reception

  • Tuesday 1st

    COSAC 2024 Gala Dinner (sponsored by The SABSA Institute) & Race Night

Wednesday 2nd October

  • Wednesday 2nd

    Registration & Coffee

  • Wednesday 2nd

    NYETwork Warfare: the End of Civilisation As We Know It

    Session 10A

    “Everything was destroyed, and few out of many returned home.” - Thucydides

    Two years ago, we discussed whether the Russian offensive included all-out cyber, or if the combatants were husbanding their resources. Last year, we noted that 50-year-old tanks and munitions work well in battle, whereas cyber weapons have a shelf life closer to milk than to wine.


    G. Mark Hardy

    Bridging The Gap: Fostering Collaboration Between Security & Technical Teams

    Session 10B

    Do you suffer from a team that can't seem to talk to each other? Can you cut the air with a knife when entering your security meetings? Do people audibly sigh whenever you mention raising a ticket or inquire about its status? If so, then this session is for you.


    Dan Schoemaker

    Building An Adaptive Security Architecture

    Session 10S

    The presentation addresses 3 trends currently challenging the cybersecurity operating model.

    • Customer expectations are shifting - Digital natives think in terms of customer journeys, and they want safe but low-friction experiences along the way.

    • Threats are evolving - There are now new ways to exploit human nature and decision making, using technologies like AI. Lastly,

    • Regulations are fragmenting - Countries recognise the value of data and are taking a stronger, more localised, position on how to protect it.


    Steven Bradley
    Ben Stephen Woods

  • Wednesday 2nd

    Towards Secure AI

    Session 11A

    The hype cycle continues to thrive as illustrated by recent press coverage and political attention regarding the “existential threat” posed by AI, particularly LLMs and generative AI. Inevitably some people are asking how do we secure AI? This session considers AI-related risks and their potential evolution. To address these risks, we need to consider what governance and security mean in an AI context.


    Hugh Boyes

    If Socrates Was A CISO or Worse..Your Business Stakeholder

    Session 11B

    The nature of the cyber security risk is both complex and broad, and present in almost any part of digital operations making it a top non-financial risk. On a daily basis stakeholders are being faced with decisions on how to proceed with the implementation of the business strategy whilst providing a commensurate level of protection against ever evolving cyber threats and ensuring critical products and services operate within the desired risk thresholds.


    Dimitrios Delivasilis
    MZ Omarjee

    Embedding Architecture to Keep Up With the Pace of Change

    Session 11S

    The IT organisation around our team is making key structural and governance changes, including re-aligning to business value stream structures, migrating from waterfall processes to Agile change delivery, and introducing a new control framework. And these are just some examples.


    Gordon Jenkins

  • Wednesday 2nd

    Morning Coffee

  • Wednesday 2nd

    It Is Not A Duck: How OT Differs from IT

    Session 12A

    The idea for this came to me today (March 21st) after having visited a dutch conference. It has been lingering in the back of my mind for some time but having seen the call for speakers in my Linkedin-feed this morning I decided to put it forward. On my way home I even came up with a title.


    Jan van Kemenade

    Recovering Personal Privacy Through Web Decentralisation

    Session 12B

    Outside China, Apple and Google control more than 95 percent of app store market share with the Apple App Store holding nearly 2 million and Google’s Play store holding nearly 3.5 million. The impact of this proliferation of apps and their everyday routine use, together with other web interactions, means that users’ personal data is spread widely on suppliers’ servers throughout the Internet.


    Andy Clark

    The Grammar of Attributes, Requirements & ESA

    Session 12S

    ‘Words mean things’, as Drill Sergeant once enthusiastically bellowed at me after failing to communicate effectively. I came to understand this was because of the lethal consequences of the profession he was training me for.


    Kirk Nicholls

  • Wednesday 2nd
    12:30– 3:20

    Contextual Trust: Trust In the Untrustable World of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

    Session 13A

    The Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) sector is rapidly evolving, presenting unparalleled opportunities for integration and third-party data utilisation. This evolution, however, introduces significant challenges, particularly regarding the integrity and reliability of vehicle-generated data. The stakes are high: compromised data could lead to accidents, traffic disruptions, hinder emergency services, and more. This session delves into the technologies underpinning CAVs, upcoming enhancements, potential threats, and necessary controls. It will explore the intricate web of supply chain relationships, the data exchanged between stakeholders, and how these factors contribute to the sector's security posture.


    Rob Campbell

    Telegram & Discord, A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

    session 13B

    In the sprawling digital landscape, platforms like Telegram and Discord have become pivotal arenas for threat actor communications, offering a blend of anonymity and accessibility that is highly attractive to the cybercriminal underworld. This session, entitled "Telegram and Discord - A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy," will peel back the layers of these digital ecosystems to reveal the dynamics of threat actor communities.


    Mark Rasch

    Seamlessly Traversing Shifting Boundaries

    Session 13S

    The ability to cross boundaries is one of the most natural human behaviours, in fact, it is so natural and normal that we don’t even give it a second thought.


    Jaco Jacobs

  • Wednesday 2nd


  • Wednesday 2nd

    Computer Crime Prosecutions As A tool To Stifle Dissent

    Session 14A

    In an era where digital information flows freely, the boundary between public interest journalism and computer hacking has become increasingly blurred. This session will delve into the controversial prosecution of Timothy Burke, a journalist from Tampa, Florida, who faced legal repercussions for his investigative work exposing hypocrisy in Fox News' broadcasts, including interviews between Tucker Carlson and Kanye West. His case serves as a stark example of how governments and corporations are leveraging computer crime laws to suppress dissent and penalize whistleblowers and journalists.


    Mark Rasch

    What Are You Doing, Dave?

    Session 14B

    As organizations increasingly rely on technology to conduct their operations, the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity emerges as both a promising avenue for defense and a looming threat.


    Rob Hale

    Previewing Security in ArchiMate 4.0

    Session 14S

    Since its first publication as a standard in 2009, ArchiMate® has become the most widely adopted notation for describing enterprise architecture but, through to the current version 3.2, support for the security perspective has been informal and under-developed.


    Steven Bradley

  • Wednesday 2nd

    Cybercrime – Does it Pay?

    Session 15A

    Our goal as security practitioners is to stop bad things from happening to the organization we have chosen to protect. When this happens and law enforcement is able to finally catch the bad actors, what actually happens?


    John Ceraolo

    Security Awareness Training for Generative AI

    Session 15B

    Generative AI is remarkable for its ability to utilize extensive data to answer complex questions. However, in a business context, not all data should be accessible to everyone.


    Karel Koster
    John O'Leary

    Using the SABSA Enhanced NIST Cybersecurity Framework

    Session 15S

    What is the best way to leverage the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 when implementing or updating a SABSA developed security architecture? The NIST CSF 2.0 is a significant upgrade to the de-facto global framework for managing cybersecurity threats but it still lacks several of the essential elements for a robust cybersecurity program.


    Glen Bruce

  • Wednesday 2nd

    Afternoon Tea

  • Wednesday 2nd
    16:05 – 16:55

    10 years, 10 cases, 10 Lessons Learned

    Session 16A

    In this highly graphical session, I will present a mostly anonymised journey across the threat landscape that businesses have had to endure over the last decade.


    Stephen Bowes

    The Key Challenges of Adapting AI Governance Into Europe’s Data Protection Framework

    Session 16B

    In the digital age, the proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies has transformed the way we interact, work, and conduct business. From personalized recommendations to autonomous decision-making systems, AI has permeated various facets of society, promising efficiency, innovation, and convenience. However, with these advancements come concerns regarding privacy, data protection, and ethical use of AI.


    Valerie Lyons

    Dynamic Business Security Architecture

    Session 16S

    In the evolving landscape of business security, the integration of MITRE ATT&CK® framework plays a pivotal role in enhancing organizational resilience against cyber threats. Our approach leverages the MITRE ATT&CK® from understanding adversary motives to the implementation of mitigation strategies and ensuring robust protection mechanisms.


    Mikko Larikka

  • Wednesday 2nd


  • Wednesday 2nd

    Anthony Sale Memorial Session - The Spy in the Coffee Machine

    Plenary 17P

    Overtly Tony Sale was known for his outstanding engineering talents which he used to rebuild the WW2 code breaking Colossus and create the National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park. However, during the Cold War Tony toiled secretly supporting MI5’s efforts to identify covert radio transmissions in the UK, signals which were used by hostile intelligence services working to undermine the UK Government and its allies.


    Andy Clark

  • Wednesday 2nd

    The COSAC Rump Session

    Plenary 18P

    The COSAC “rump” has for many years been a hugely popular plenary session at COSAC. The Rump is an informal rapid-fire session in which participants give very short presentations on recent results, work in progress, and any other topic of interest to the COSAC community. Presentations may be purely technical, entirely management oriented in nature, or of any combination of approaches or perspectives.


    David Lynas

  • Wednesday 2nd

    Drinks Reception (sponsored by David Lynas Consulting)

  • Wednesday 2nd

    Dinner (sponsored by David Lynas Consulting) & COSAC Prize Night

Thursday 3rd October

  • Thursday 3rd

    Registration & Coffee

  • Thursday 3rd

    COSAC Workshops are half-day, 09:30 - 12:30 & 13:30 - 16:30

  • Thursday 3rd

    The COSAC Risk Workshop Series: Risk Aggregation & Compound Risk

    Workshop W1

    The purpose of the risk workshop is to explore the hard parts of understanding risk. We have previously conducted workshops in Ireland and Australia on how to understand and model risk, how to explain and display risk to stakeholders, and how to think like our adversaries to identify threats that we would otherwise miss.


    Jason Kobes
    William Schultz

    The 2nd COSAC Lab

    Workshop W2

    This year, I propose the second edition of the COSAC LAB.

    For the year 2024, the lab will use a new approach based on the lessons learned from the first edition performed in 2023.


    Ghariba Bourhidane

    Incident Response Exercise Design Workshop

    Workshop W3

    Do you want to learn to build a functional incident response exercise?

    Perhaps you’d like to have clear and measurable exercise goals and performance reporting. The kind that will endear you to your training team and produce clear and actionable reporting. Good news, we can do that together. After all it’s dangerous to go alone.


    Kirk Nicholls

    So You Want to Be a CISO

    Workshop W4

    Building on a workshop at COSAC APAC – a workshop from the viewpoint of two CISO’s from different continents.


    Harley Aw
    Kathleen Mullin

  • Thursday 3rd

    Morning Coffee

  • Thursday 3rd


  • Thursday 3rd

    Security for the Gobsmacked Human

    Workshop W5

    They’ve had enough. They just get used to one environment and some SOB changes it. And we security geeks want to add change to the change. No wonder they growl at us. Complex, ever-evolving work environments turn communities of competent, veteran users into fumbling rookies who make new-guy mistakes, some of which impact security.


    John O'Leary

    Digital Transformation Masterclass

    Workshop W6

    An intriguing session that will attempt to re-orient the mindset required to undergo a Digital Transformation. In an unusual manner (not about just technology or apps) session will provide real world insight and experiences


    MZ Omarjee

    Beyond the Script: Using Improv to Enhance Tabletop Exercises

    Workshop W7

    Cybersecurity is known as the department of “NO” while SABSA uses business opportunity risk to transform it to “YES”. This session leverages improvisational skills to increase the engagement, imagination, and impact of tabletop exercises.


    Ashling Lupiani
    Kathleen Mullin

    This is the Way! Using SABSA to Transform a Global Managed Security Services Provider

    Workshop W8

    In late 2022 I was assigned to lead a team mandated with creating and implementing a strategy to transform the Managed Security Services business of a global organization that provides end-to-end security services. This organization operates more than twenty delivery centres globally and has grown, organically and through acquisition, to more than 3000 delivery centre employees.


    Jaco Jacobs

  • Thursday 3rd

    Afternoon Tea

  • Thursday 3rd

    Conference Close - COSAC Chairman's Closing Remarks


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25th - 27th Feb: Melbourne, Australia


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